First impressions


Recently, an experienced, life-long submissive filled out my application to session with me at my dungeon. He didn’t brag about his amount of experience or his sessions over the years with top notch Pro Dommes. More on him shortly.

There have been instances where I’ve received applications from subs who think the amount of years they’ve been seeing Pros or how many they’ve seen makes them automatically valuable. Many submissives may be confused about my stance on that. When I began as a Professional I too was under the impression that experience meant excellence. However, this has not been my experience. Imagine my initial disappointment when I noticed the pattern. Just because one goes to school it doesn’t make them a good student. The amount of time one has been going to sessions has no bearing on whether they will learn from those experiences. Same is true for seeing Dommes who are very skilled in their arts.

Overconfidence can stem from insecurity around one’s abilities or self worth. This facade can be akin to a very delicate soap bubble that feels threatened by the softest of touches or push back. Having one’s crafted facade threatened can bring up emotions of resentment and anger in order to defend this facade. I have absolutely no interest in wasting my precious time with this kind of mindset. Although there are some submissives who are able to take in criticism about their behavior and correct it, most who insist on maintaining this facade are not. So, it’s usually a red flag when a submissive comes to me overly confident and with high expectations to how they are going to be received.

Back to the experienced life-long submissive. His application was filled out thoroughly and thoughtfully, with humility and openness. He also sent a tribute along with his application to respect my time and show he was serious. He followed all my protocols and would ask politely for clarification when he wasn’t’ sure about instructions. He offered himself instead of demanding my attention.

Delight me with your presence. Surrender to my whims. Make yourself useful. These three things will make you worth my time.